Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Three Things Facebook Needs!
I am sick and tired of Facebook not having a dislike button even though they have a like, share, and even a comment button! If there was a dislike button we could share our opinions of certain things much faster than being forced to type a message just to say i don't like this. Another thing that bothers me is that Facebook has no form of listening to music directly from the site, Myspace has this why cant Facebook? How hard is it to add an extra tab at the bottom of the "more" section of the sidebar titled "Music." Facebook also needs a way of getting back to a person's photo albums without having to go back to there Profile as this is very annoying!

If you liked this add or want to add more info on what Twitter needs comment and follow me.

If you dislike this page... thats right there is no dislike button!

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